Restricted prisoner declarations – a flagrant breach of human rights by Dan Rogers

Restricted prisoner declarations – a flagrant breach of human rights Queensland Law Society wrote a…

Child murderers and serial killers could be denied parole for decades under new Queensland laws

Child murderers and serial killers could be denied parole for decades under new Queensland laws…

Queensland Human Rights Commission

The Queensland Human Rights Commission, created by the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld), will commence…

Terry O'Gorman on the No Body, No Parole Laws: Warns of Potential Injustices

The Corrective Services (No Body, No Parole) Amendment Bill was passed by the Queensland Parliament…

The proposed No body No parole law change

Civil Liberties lawyer Terry O’Gorman this week welcomed the recommendations of the Sofronoff…

Rehabilitation Services for Prisoners & Queensland’s Parole Changes

Civil Liberties lawyer, Terry O’Gorman this week welcomed more rehabilitation services in…

LNP Government undermines Judges

Media Release - LNP Government undermines Judges by a Proposal to scrap Court Ordered Parole and…