We acted on behalf of “CON” who was the applicant to a QCAT application for the review of a decision made by the Commissioner for Children and Young People and Child Guardian. The Commissioner issued a negative notice to CON in response to their application for a Blue Card and positive notice. CON had previous convictions for assault and had been the respondent to Protection Orders in the past. The Commissioner had formed the view that CONs case was “exceptional” and that it would not be in the best interests of children to grant the application.
We sought the independent views of a registered psychologist and called witnesses at a contested hearing before QCAT. Kate Clark of our firm appeared as Solicitor Advocate at the contested hearing. QCAT made Orders to set aside the Commissioners decision to issue CON with a negative notice and to instead issue CON with a positive notice and Blue Card.
A copy of the full decision of QCAT may be found here.