If you have been charged with any driving offence such as drink or drug driving it is important to not only seek legal advice but also also consider avenues for rehabilitation.
The Queensland Traffic Offenders Program (QTOP) is a program many of our previous clients have used and received great benefit from. The program is designed to increase particpants’ understanding of social commitments in general and of traffic laws in particular and overs all traffic offences.
The program covers material from road rules, hazards and injury prevention to substance or abuse and fatigue.
It is good to keep in mind that a court may acknowlegde your particpation in a program like QTOP as a positive change in your attitude and behaviour.
QTOP can be contacted on 0401 344 982 or you can book online at qtop.com.au.
If you need legal advice about a traffic offence, call Robertson O’Gorman’s 24 hour line on 3034 000.