First and foremost if you or someone else is trapped or injured call 000 straight away.
Always stop if you are involved in a crash however minor to assess the situation and do not just continue driving.
Other instances where you should call 000 include where there is a hazardous environment or threat to public safety exists (e.g. fuel spill, power lines down).
If no one is injured but police are needed to direct traffic or manage any hazards report the instance to Policelink on 131 444. This number should also be called where;
- There is suspected involvement of drugs and/or alcohol;
- A driver fails or has failed or is refusing to provide required details; or
- A driver with an impairment or disability requires police assistance.
If the crash is minor and no one is injured but your car needs towing you still need to report the crash within 24 hours via the above Policelink number. If no vehicles need to be towed and no one is injured you can simply choose to exchange details at the crash site.
Remaining at the Scene
Pursuant to section 92 of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act Queensland, when there has been injuries, you will be required to
(i) remain at or near the scene of the incident and immediately render such assistance as the driver can to the injured person; and
(ii) make reasonable endeavours to obtain such medical and other aid as may reasonably be
Failure to do so can result in criminal liability and time in prison. Always call 000.
Exchanging Information
If you are involved in a crash you must provide your ‘required particulars’ to any person/s involved in the crash. This will include giving the following information to other drivers, injured parties and owners of damaged property;
- your name and address,
- the name and address of the owner of the vehicle (if you are not the owner),
- the vehicle registration number
If you need legal advice about a recent traffic accident or offence call us on our 24 hour line: 3034 0000