Forensic science in criminal cases
September 9, 2019criminal lawBlog,Criminal Law
In the Sydney Morning Herald of 2 September 2019 Justice Chris Maxwell, President of the Victorian…
ASIC's corporate plan for 2019-2023
August 28, 2019white collar crime,corporate crime,ASIC,criminal lawProfessional Discipline,Corporate Crime
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has announced its corporate plan for…
The rise of the addendum- Tactical considerations in applying to Cross examine witnesses in committal proceedings
August 15, 2019white collar crime,criminal lawCorporate Crime,Criminal Law
In 2010 the Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction Reform and Modernisation Amendment Act amended the…
Blue Card laws: Is ‘exceptional’ the new normal?
August 7, 2019Occupational Discipline,white collar crime,professional misconduct,criminal lawBlog,Criminal Law
In Queensland those who wish to work with, or foster, children must have a Blue Card. A Blue Card…
Black Economy and Currency Restrictions
August 6, 2019white collar crime,money laundering,AUSTRACCorporate Crime
The Black Economy Taskforce produced its final report in October 2017. The Chair, Michael Andrew,…
Health practitioners and health assessments
July 29, 2019Health Ombudsman,corporate crime,AHPRA,professional disciplineGeneral
Registered health practitioners are subject to a number of regulatory schemes administered by AHPRA…
ASIC Investigations – Stepping you through the process
July 26, 2019corporate crime,ASICGeneral
If you and your business understand the ASIC investigation process, you will be able to better…
Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) - What remedies are available?
June 17, 2019Blog,Criminal Law
A human rights complaint or action may be brought for a breach of section 58(1) of the Human Rights…
Queensland Human Rights Commission
June 4, 2019parole,professional discipline,criminal lawProfessional Discipline,Parole,Criminal Law,Blog
The Queensland Human Rights Commission, created by the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld), will commence…
Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) – Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Assembly
These rights are closely related as they both provide for a person’s personal liberty of thought,…
Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) – Criminal Proceedings
Section 32 of the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) details the rights of a defendant subject to criminal…
Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld): Humane treatment when deprived of liberty
The Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) establishes in domestic legislation the right of people deprived of…
Review of Queensland’s laws relating to civil surveillance
The Queensland Law Reform Commission currently has a Reference titled “Review of Queensland’s laws…
Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld): Right to a Fair Hearing
The right to a fair hearing is now enshrined in Queensland domestic legislation under the Human…
March 4, 2019Blog,Criminal Law,Parole
In December 2018, the Crime and Corruption Commission released its report named Taskforce Flaxton…
Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) passed for Queensland
After decades of campaigning, the Queensland Parliament passed the historic Human Rights Act on 27…
Media Release – Terry O’Gorman, Vice-President of QCCL
The media need to behave responsibly and not reveal Robert Fardon’s address or whereabouts,…
Media Release – Terry O’Gorman, President of ACCL
Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton is again engaging in overblown rhetoric in calling for an…
Media Release – Terry O’Gorman, Vice-President of QCCL
A threat by Queensland Police Union President Ian Leavers that pill testers “will be charged too”…
Courier Mail Article - Jail Inspectorate Must Be Independent, Says Top Civil Liberties Lawyer Terry O’Gorman
January 4, 2019prison,civil liberties,criminal lawCriminal Law,Blog
The Courier Mail has published an article regarding the establishment of an independent…
Letter to The Honourable Mark Ryan MP - Terry O’Gorman, Vice-President of QCCL
Dear Minister RE: SEXUAL OFFENDER REHABILITATION PROGRAMMES I refer to the judgment of…
Media Release – Terry O’Gorman, Vice-President of QCCL
Today’s Courier Mail report that prison staff are copping the brunt of anger over crowded jail…
Media Release – Terry O’Gorman, Vice-President of QCCL
The Prime Minister’s proposal to take a religious discrimination Act to the next Federal election…
Media Release – Terry O’Gorman, Vice-President of QCCL
The Civil Liberties Council today called on Corrective Services Minister Mark Ryan to immediately…
The Teacher’s Pet: Do viral podcasts have the ability to taint a jury pool?
October 3, 2018Criminal Law,General,Blog
I, like many thousands of others, have recently been immersed in the Australian’s podcast series…
The Civil Liberties Council today called on both the Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Opposition…
Former Premier Campbell Newman’s comment that ex Chief Justice Carmody would have handed down a…
While the Attorney‑General is deciding whether to appeal Monday’s Supreme Court judgment that sex…
The Civil Liberties Council has called on the Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk to immediately reverse…
Robertson O’Gorman lawyers recognised as Leading Lawyers across Australia
The 2018 Doyles Guide has recognised lawyers Terry O’Gorman and Dan Rogers among Australia’s…
Tougher Penalties for Corporate Crime
July 31, 2018Bribery & Corruption,WHS,industrial manslaughter,ASIC,ATO,Company Director Offences,corporate crimeBlog,Corporate Crime
The Federal Government has announced it will introduce a new sentencing regime for corporate crime,…
Doyle's Guide 2018
July 20, 2018doyles,doyles guide,criminal law rankingsCriminal Law,General,Blog
Robertson O’Gorman Solicitors have again been featured as a First Tier Queensland Criminal Defence…
Judge Robertson - See No More Evil
On 9 June 2018, the Courier Mail’s QWeekend published “See no more evil” an article chronicling the…
Robertson O'Gorman Prize for Criminal Law 2018
Dominic Brunello presented the Robertson O’Gorman Prize in Criminal Law at the University of…
Criticism of Judges
Ex High Court of Australia Judge Dyson (Dyson Heydon) in a speech in London in February 2018…
Dan Rogers Presents on ‘Public Perceptions of Sentencing’
Robertson O’Gorman Legal Director Dan Rogers, in his capacity as a member of the Queensland…
Remy Kurz Presentation at Balmoral State High School
Solicitor Remy Kurz attended Balmoral State High School yesterday to present a session to the…
Consorting Laws: Worth the Effort?
Following the passage of the Serious and Organised Legislation Amendment Act in 2016 Queensland now…
Media's behaviour in the vicinity of Courts
The case of Sydney property developer Salim Mehajer who has been charged with assault of a…
The Queensland Premier has responded to calls for an Inquiry into the Rick Flori affair by…
MEDIA RELEASE - Melbourne African street crime Law and Order debate
MEDIA RELEASE - Turnbull Government’s review of religious freedoms in Australia
January 17, 2018mobile phone,data,murder,iphone,civil liberties,criminal lawBlog
A recently dismissed murder case in Arkansas shows that concerns that law enforcement are…
Media Release - The Australian Newspaper Attacks Southport Magistrate Joan White
January 16, 2018media release,judicial officers,the australian,queensland magistrates,queensland council for civil liberties,media,courier mail,civil liberties,magistrates,qcclBlog
Child sex abuse inquiry’s stance on recovered memories raises fears as report release nears
December 8, 2017sexual assault,National Royal Commission Into Institutional Response to Child Sexual Abuse,weekend australian,sexual abuse,child abuse,Terry O'Gorman,the australian,royal commissionBlog
Earlier in the week Terry O'Gorman participated in an article with the Weekend Australian…
Doyles Guide: Leading Criminal Defence Lawyers 2017
Terry O’Gorman and Dan Rogers have been named as leading Australian Criminal Defence Lawyers by the…
Terry O'Gorman on the No Body, No Parole Laws: Warns of Potential Injustices
August 15, 2017murder,criminal,parole,corrective services,manslaughter,injusticeBlog
The Corrective Services (No Body, No Parole) Amendment Bill was passed by the Queensland Parliament…
‘Criminal Process in Queensland’ Second Edition: Co-authored by Emma Higgins
August 11, 2017criminal process in queensland,criminal processsBlog
Emma Higgins, Solicitor at Robertson O’Gorman has co-authored the Second Edition of ‘Criminal…
Doyles Guide: Leading Criminal Defence Firm 2017
August 4, 2017criminal defence firm,doyles guide,criminal lawBlog,Criminal Law
Robertson O’Gorman Solicitors have again been featured in Doyle’s Guide as one of Queensland’s…
Dan Rogers: Addressing the crossover between family and criminal law
July 19, 2017queensland law society,criminal law,qls,domestic violenceBlog,Domestic Violence
Dan Rogers, Legal Director at Robertson O’Gorman, delivered a presentation at the QLS & FLPA…
Media Release by Terry O'Gorman, President, Australian Council for Civil Liberties
July 18, 2017qccl,rights,queensland council for civil liberties,civil liberties,attorney-generalBlog
The Australian Council for Civil Liberties has this morning seriously questioned fundamental…
Meet your Queensland Law Society Senior Counsellor – Terry O’Gorman AM (1)
July 18, 2017queensland law society,senior counsellor,qlsBlog
The Queensland Law Society (QLS) interviewed Terry O’Gorman, a QLS Senior Counsellor and the Legal…
Terry O'Gorman on Juries
July 11, 2017juries,fair trialBlog
Terry O'Gorman spoke to The Australian's Chris Merritt about the upcoming trial of Cardinal…
National Domestic Violence Bench Book: Stage 2 Released
July 10, 2017domestic violenceBlog,Domestic Violence
The second stage of the National Domestic Violence Bench Book was released on 16th June 2017.The…
Dan Rogers: Opinion: Soft sentences? You be the judge
Today's Courier Mail published an opinion article written by Legal Director Dan Rogers. The…
Media Release by Terry O'Gorman, Vice-President, Queensland Council for Civil Liberties: Bail
June 29, 2017Bail,civil libertiesBlog
Criticisms of a Cairns Magistrate’s bail decision yesterday as a ‘cop bashing bail outrage’ is…
Online comments about Judges
As Ministers in the Turnbull Government are before the Victorian Court of Appeal to show cause why…
Federal Government Ministers to appear before the Victorian Court of Appeal
June 15, 2017courts,judges,freedom of speech,terrorismBlog
On Thursday June 15 Terry O’Gorman was asked by ABC Radio Current Affairs to comment on reports in…
Bond University Panel Discussion: Social Justice and the Role of Lawyers
Legal Director Dan Rogers spoke last night at the Bond University Law Wellness Association’s…
Are Judges out of touch?
Last week, the Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council launched their new website, “Judge for…
Consorting Laws
March 15, 2017consorting laws,serious organised crimeBlog
With the coming into effect a week ago the new consorting provisions of the Serious Organised Crime…
Facial Recognition in Queensland
March 13, 2017privacy,facial recognition,surveillanceBlog
The Toowoomba City Council is trialling facial recognition technology, alarming privacy advocates…
International Warrants Needed to Deal with Growing Surveillance Techniques
March 13, 2017privacy,international warrants,surveillanceBlog
The UN Independent Expert on Privacy this week called for a new international treaty to protect…
Studies Into Sentencing Show The ‘Lenient Judge’ Is A Myth
As published in the Courier Mail today, Dan Rogers comments on how studies in to sentencing show…
Magistrate Court Pleas of Guilty: The Devil is in the Detail
March 6, 2017magistrate court,guilty plea,plea of guiltyBlog
The vast majority of those charged with a criminal offence will have their matters resolved in the…
Legal Update: The New Mental Health Act 2016
March 6, 2017mental healthBlog
The new Mental Health Act 2016 commenced on the 5thMarch 2017. It will replace the Mental Health…
Legal Affairs Committee Approves Changes to Justices Act
February 23, 2017legal affairs committee,committals,justices act,magistrates courtBlog
The Legal Affairs Committee of the Queensland Parliament this week approved proposed changes to the…
Abolition of 'Gay Panic' Defence
The Queensland Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee this week recommended that legislation…
Update to Queensland Bail Laws
This week the Legal Affairs Committee of the Queensland Parliament approved changes to the…
The proposed No body No parole law change
February 17, 2017parole,parole laws,no body no paroleBlog
Civil Liberties lawyer Terry O’Gorman this week welcomed the recommendations of the Sofronoff…
Rehabilitation Services for Prisoners & Queensland’s Parole Changes
February 17, 2017jail,parole,rehabilitation,recidivism,prisonersBlog
Civil Liberties lawyer, Terry O’Gorman this week welcomed more rehabilitation services in…
Privacy Issues with Mastercard Selfies
February 9, 2017privacy,credit cards,face recognitionBlog
Civil Liberties’ lawyer Terry O’Gorman this week criticised the lack of privacy safeguards in…
Terry O'Gorman comments on Senate calls for Pell to return to Australia
February 9, 2017abuse,sexual abuseBlog
Civil Liberties’ lawyer Terry O’Gorman today criticised the Australian Senate motion calling on…
The Australian Building and Construction Commission – Your Rights
February 6, 2017australian building and construction commission,rights,commission,self-incriminationBlog
Building and Construction Commission. Under the Act, you do not have the right to refuse to answer…
The Australian Building and Construction Commission
February 2, 2017construction watchdog,rights,construction unions,unions,australian building and construction commissionBlog
The existence of a body to regulate unions in the building sector has been a concern for a number…
Support and Opposition for Domestic Violence Bail changes
Civil Liberties’ lawyer Terry O’Gorman said the aptly described “extraordinary change”[1] proposed…
Consorting Laws
January 23, 2017consorting laws,consortingBlog
The observations outlined herein are taken from the Attorney-General's parliamentary speech when…
Key changes to Queensland's domestic violence laws
December 8, 2016dv,domestic violence order,domestic violence,DVO,law reform,criminalGeneral
Recently introduced legislation heralds many new changes and protections in regards to domestic…
Dan Rogers Obtains Specialist Accreditation in Criminal Law
November 22, 2016specialist accreditationBlog
Legal director of this firm, Dan Rogers recently obtained a Specialist Accreditation in Criminal…
The Right to Protest: Intended lifetime ban for refugees who travel to Australia by sea
November 22, 2016pro bono,protest,refugeeBlog
On Monday, 21 November 2016, Dan Rogers appeared pro bono for a group of three protestors that were…
International Criminal Law Congress 2016
November 11, 2016international criminal law congress,mandatory sentencing,dpp,queensland council for civil liberties,bjelke peterson,crime commissions,civil liberties,director of public prosecutions,qcclBlog
15th International Criminal Law Congress 2016 12 – 16 October 2016, Adelaide, South Australia I…
QCCL Media Release: Did the DPP consider their own guidelines before Tostee's trial?
October 21, 2016dpp,prosecution,gable tostee,queensland council for civil liberties,director of public prosecutions,tostee,civil liberties,qcclBlog
The Civil Liberties Council today queried whether Tostee would have faced trial had the prosecution…
Media Release by Terry O'Gorman, Vice President Queensland Council for Civil Liberties
October 10, 2016media release,qccl,bikie laws,VLAD laws,queensland council for civil libertiesBlog
The Civil Liberties Council today attacked the State’s Government new ‘bikie laws’ particularly the…
Bikie Laws: QCCL Submission to the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee
October 6, 2016bikie laws,qccl,bikies,queensland parliament,queensland council for civil libertiesBlog
Terry O'Gorman on behalf of the Queensland Council for Civil Liberties wrote a submission to the…
Media Release by Terry O'Gorman: Palaszczuk Government's Proposed Bikie Laws
September 16, 2016bikie laws,wilson report,qccl,bikies,wilson taskforce,queensland council for civil libertiesBlog
Yesterday’s and today’s media claims that revised so called bikie laws will “lift ban on bikie…
Dan Rogers Delivers Speech at the QUT United Nations Association Networking Event
August 30, 2016united nations,human rights,UNBlog
Dan Rogers, director of Robertson O’Gorman, was invited to the recent QUT United Nations…
Update: Changes to Queensland Domestic and Family Violence Laws
August 29, 2016information sharing,protection orders,penalities,PPNs,voluntary intervention orders,domestic violence,domestic violence orders,DVO,NDVOs,police protection notices,family law,IVOs,domestic and family violenceBlog
On 16 August 2016 the Domestic and Family Violence Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Bill…
Media Release by Terry O'Gorman: Palaszczuk Government's Proposed Bikie Laws
August 29, 2016media release,wilson report,mandatory sentencing,bikie laws,wilson taskforce,bikiesBlog
The retention of mandatory sentencing under the Palaszczuk Government’s proposed new bikie laws…
Queensland's Abolition of the Statutory Limitation Period Regarding Institutional Sexual Abuse
August 29, 2016sexual abuse,limitation periods,institutional sex abuseBlog
The Premier introduced a Bill to Parliament recently which, if passed, will create an exception to…
Media Release by Terry O'Gorman: Call for an Independent Prisons Inspectorate
August 19, 2016prisons,qccl,media release,queensland council for civil libertiesBlog
Robertson O’Gorman listed as a leading Queensland Criminal Law Firm
August 16, 2016first tier law firm,criminal law,criminal law firm,leading lawyers,doyles guideBlog
For the second year in a row, the Doyle’s Guide has ranked Robertson O’Gorman as one of five firms…
Dominic Brunello to resume working at Robertson O'Gorman
July 6, 2016criminal lawyer,lawyer,solicitor,our peopleBlog
Robertson O’Gorman welcomes Dominic Brunello back to the firm as he begins work this month. Dominic…
What does the Mental Health Act 2016 mean for Queenslanders?
July 6, 2016mental health court,legislation,mental health,mental health act,justice,healthBlog
The Palaszczuk Government passed the Mental Health Act 2016 through parliament on 18 February 2016…
A Current Affair: Police Officer draws gun
June 8, 2016dashboard cameras,media,a current affair,body worn footage,police,body worn camerasBlog
On June 7 2016 partner Terry O'Gorman appeared on A Current Affair in relation to the controversy…
Splendour in the Grass: Know Your Rights
June 6, 2016splendour in the grass,IDs,rights,drugs,festivals,alcoholBlog
With under three weeks until this year’s Splendour in the Grass festival, it is important attendees…
Appeal a Win for Youth Rehabilitation
May 20, 2016trafficking,rehabilitation,youth offending,appeals,youthBlog
Robertson O’Gorman received instructions to appeal a sentence for a client that had previously been…
Louisa Pink Appointed as Magistrate
April 29, 2016magistrates court,judicial appointmentBlog
Robertson O’Gorman congratulates Ms Pink on her appointment to the magistracy announced today by…