Outlawing effective political protest?

Former leader of the Australian Greens, Bob Brown has recently convincingly argued the history of…

Media Releases by Terry O'Gorma: Anti-Bikie Legislation

As Vice-President of the Queensland Council for Civil Liberties, Terry O'Gorman recently released…

The Freedom of Speech and Wicked Campervan Slogans

Terry O'Gorman featured in a recent interview on New Zealand radio show Newstalk ZB regarding the…

The Right to Protest: Baby Asha and the Lady Cilento Hospital

On Friday, 18 March 2016, Dan Rogers appeared in the Brisbane Magistrates Court on behalf of four…

The Age of Criminal Responsibility in Queensland

Queensland’s age of criminal responsibility is 17; a whole year younger than the other states in…

Traffic offences and mobile phones

Since September 2015 new laws have been in place targetting those who use their mobile phones on…

A Human Rights Act: What it is and why we need one in Queensland

Dan Rogers, Legal Director at Robertson O'Gorman, is also the chair of the Queensland Law Society's…

Police Powers when it comes to DV

With recent and indeed future DV amendments it is timely to consider the particular powers police…

Tackling alcohol fueled violence

New laws that could pass in Qld regarding alcohol fuelled violence will herald a raft of changes to…

Police Powers: Disobedience to Lawful Order

These days, most people carry a mobile phone with them everywhere they go. A mobile device can…

New DV laws - the next step

Late last year we looked at the introduction of various DV related laws and amendments under the…

One Punch Laws

In the wake of recent events the topic of one punch laws is back in the spotlight. It is therefore…

Basha Hearing

There’s been a longstanding procedure in respect of Queensland District and Supreme Court trials…

24 Hour Service

Persons that have the unfortunate experience of being detained by police need advice. Our firm is…

Alcohol Interlock Devices

The Queensland Government introduced the Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program in 2010. Participation…

New Chief Justice

On Tuesday the 8th of September Queensland's new Chief Justice was announced. In his role as Vice…

What to do in a traffic crash?

First and foremost if you or someone else is trapped or injured call 000 straight away. Always stop…

UQ Criminal Law Prize

Dan Rogers presented The Robertson O’Gorman Prize in Criminal Law at the University of Queensland’s…

Answering Police Questions

Some people believe that the allegations against them are all a misunderstanding or that police…

Animal Cruelty Charge Dismissed

On 2 October 2014 the Brisbane Magistrates Court dismissed a charge of animal cruelty against our…

Destruction of Evidence

We are often asked about what rights flow for individuals with respect to their personal property…

Drug Trafficking

There seems to be an ever growing number of young people in our community being charged with the…

Queensland Law Handbook

The 12th edition of the Queensland Legal Handbook is available from the Caxton Legal Centre…

G20: Police Powers & Dissent

The G20 Safety & Security Act 2013 will govern the G20 summit which is to occur in Brisbane…

Justice at any cost is not justice at all

Justice is a concept of “moral rightness” which is open to individual interpretation. The concept…

Costs Applications against the police

If you are charged with a summary offence, for example, committing a public nuisance or obstruct…

Bikies in solitary confinement

In a case decided by Justice Applegarth of the Queensland Supreme Court on 12 December 2013 there…

Police Investigations: Your Rights

There are a number of tactics implemented by the police during investigations which appear run of…

Anti-Bikie Laws - reform or revenge?

When the Queensland government introduced its anti bikie laws it by-passed all the usual safeguards…

Media Release: Anti-Bikie legislation

Media Release by Terry O'Gorman Vice-president of the Queensland Council for Civil Liberties The…

Sex Offences

R v Phillips: Client convicted of several counts of rape. Appeal to the Queensland Court of Appeal…

Queensland's fast tracked bikie legislation

Media release by Terry O'Gorman on behalf of the Queensland Council for Civil Liberties in relation…

Other Cases - Peace and Good Behaviour Application

C v H: We acted on behalf of “H” who was the respondent to a Peace and Good Behaviour application…

LNP Government undermines Judges

Media Release - LNP Government undermines Judges by a Proposal to scrap Court Ordered Parole and…

Tragedy Looming

Within the next few months a 17 or 18 year old will do something stupid enough to be convicted for…

Community Notification of Sex Offenders

Why Queensland must not Implement Community Notification of Sex Offenders.  Dan Rogers writes on…

Privacy - Use of Drones

Potential for abuse with Queensland Police trial of drones. QUEENSLAND police officers are testing…

Children and the Law - 17 year olds treated as adults

Terry O'Gorman comments on Queensland's law on 17 year old children being treated as adults…

Police use of Tasers

Police Taser Use Questioned Staff reporters, Yahoo!7 Updated February 17, 2012, 6:28 am Read…

Criminal Responsibility

Double Jeopardy - Resolving the Conflict between Competing Rights and Interests  Article by Dan…

Compensation for Police Abuse of Power

Interview with Terry O’Gorman in relation to compensation from police abuse of power Today Tonight,…

Law and Order Forum - Drugs

The Courier-Mail's forum on law and order hears demand for drugs by young people a worrying trend…

DNA Under Legal Microscope

CHRIS MERRITT, LEGAL AFFAIRS EDITOR From: The Australian March 30, 2010 12:00AM Read Article WHEN…

Police Chases

Interview with Terry O’Gorman in relation to police chases 7pm Project, Channel 10, 22 March 2010

Police Chases

Interview with Terry O’Gorman in relation to police chases Today Show, Channel 9, 22 March 2010

Mental Health

Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Mentally Ill in Queensland Correctional Centres  Article by Dan Rogers…