With under three weeks until this year’s Splendour in the Grass festival, it is important attendees and their families keep in mind common legal issues that arise from these sorts of events.


  1. If approached by police you do need to give your name, your address and, if under 17, your age. Aside from these details you have a right to remain silent and are not required to answer police questions.
  2. Unless you have been specifically arrested you do not need to accompany the police to the station.
  3. You should never participate in an interview with police until you have discussed your situation with a lawyer.
  4. Always ask to call your family and / or lawyer if arrested.
  5. Obstructing police can lead to further charges


Police can issue on-the-spot fines for:

  • drinking in a public place (18 years and over)
  • underage drinking or possession of liquor in a public place, even if you’re holding a drink for your friend who is over 18
  • being under 18 and found on licensed premises
  • being under 18 and found drinking or just holding a drink for a friend on licensed premises

If you’re 18 at Splendour and you supply alcohol to your underage friends you could face a fine of $11,000.


Robertson O’Gorman encourages festival-goers to respect the law. Possessing or supplying drugs attracts heavy penalties, and as such festival-goers should be wary of their responsibilities prior to entering the festival.

If you are stopped because a police dog indicates you might have drugs, this gives Police ‘reasonable suspicion’ and they are within their rights to search you. You must give your full name and your address, but otherwise you have the right to remain silent. In many instances, first-time offenders will be given the opportunity to undertake a drug diversion course and won’t have to attend court.

If you are arrested, contact Robertson O’Gorman immediately on our 24-hour contact line (07) 3034 0000.


Using someone else’s ID card or creating a fake card is illegal. Lending someone your own ID can also lead to a fine.

Other common situations;

In the festival environment it is important to also remember that assault and sexual assault can lead to severe criminal penalties. Public nuisance, wilful exposure, trespassing and drink driving are other offences to be aware of.

If you need legal advice, contact Robertson O’Gorman on our 24 hour line (07) 3034 0000.