On 9 June 2018, the Courier Mail’s QWeekend published “See no more evil” an article chronicling the life and work of Judge John Robertson who recently retired from the District Court of Queensland.
Judge Robertson, one of Robertson O’Gorman’s namesakes and founding partner, was appointed to the District Court in 1994. He was the first solicitor appointed to the District Court.
Terry O’Gorman, who worked with Judge Robertson for many years before his appointments spoke to the Courier Mail for the article.
“What has mapped him out as a good judge, and he enjoys a very good reputation across the legal profession, is that he is balanced, thoughtful and not a soft touch but also that he’s given a lot of critical thought to the issues of sentencing.”
“If what you expect in a judge is someone who is fair, someone who tries to fashion sentences that meet the expectation of punishment and retribution, while at the same time giving the person being sentenced a change to be rehabilitated, well, he walks that tightrope exceedingly well.”
Judge Robertson has been appointed to the Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council as its chair allowing him to put his knowledge and experience in sentencing people to good use for the benefit of Queenslanders.
The full article has been extracted here.