Bikie Laws: QCCL Submission to the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee

Terry O'Gorman on behalf of the Queensland Council for Civil Liberties wrote a submission to the…

Media Release by Terry O'Gorman: Palaszczuk Government's Proposed Bikie Laws

Yesterday’s and today’s media claims that revised so called bikie laws will “lift ban on bikie…

Media Release by Terry O'Gorman: Palaszczuk Government's Proposed Bikie Laws

The retention of mandatory sentencing under the Palaszczuk Government’s proposed new bikie laws…

Wilson Report on VLAD Legislation

The Wilson Report (chaired by ex-Supreme Court Judge Alan Wilson) was charged with reviewing the…

Media Releases by Terry O'Gorma: Anti-Bikie Legislation

As Vice-President of the Queensland Council for Civil Liberties, Terry O'Gorman recently released…

Anti-Bikie Legislation - Update

The following seminar paper is extracted from the attached material below.  See the full article…

Bikies in solitary confinement

In a case decided by Justice Applegarth of the Queensland Supreme Court on 12 December 2013 there…

Anti-Bikie Laws - reform or revenge?

When the Queensland government introduced its anti bikie laws it by-passed all the usual safeguards…

Update - the anti-bikies legislation commences.

This afternoon (17 October 2013) at 2.39 pm we received confirmation from the office of the…

When will the Queensland Government’s oppressive ‘Bikie’ legislation take effect?

Yesterday the Queensland Parliament took extraordinary steps to suspend the usual democratic…

Media Release: Anti-Bikie legislation

Media Release by Terry O'Gorman Vice-president of the Queensland Council for Civil Liberties The…

Queensland's fast tracked bikie legislation

Media release by Terry O'Gorman on behalf of the Queensland Council for Civil Liberties in relation…