Robertson O’Gorman congratulates Ms Pink on her appointment to the magistracy announced today by the Attorney General.
Ms Pink has been working in criminal defence since 2004, and joined the team at Robertson O’Gorman in 2006. She has been involved in the conduct of cases before all courts including the High Court, Court of Appeal, Mental Health Court and Children’s Court and has regularly appeared as a solicitor advocate in the Magistrates Court, commissions and tribunals.
Ms Pink worked initially in the Office of the Special Prosecutor responsible for post Fitzgerald Inquiry prosecutions before working for the Parliamentary Criminal Justice Committee overseeing the (then) CJC. Her early career ultimately led to work at a high level in Government in the development of legal policy. Over the last 12 years she has worked as a solicitor in private practice as a criminal defence lawyer.
She has been involved in a number of community initiatives, including the Prisoners Legal Service and most recently served as President of the Law & Justice Institute (Qld).
Ms Pink will be sworn in on Tuesday 3 May, after which she will take up a position at the Caboolture Magistrates Court.